          黑白邊緣_台灣幫派浮沉錄_6/7 黑白邊緣_台灣幫派浮沉錄_6/7 Democratic Government has no right "Sour.Hate".The right way to deal with this problem is to make law clearly say anyone can show his best wil 租屋l and best skill to kill anyone under one good gun shot must be seen as hero instead of criminal, and make the kill or murder as private civil court issue, that means any kill showe 開幕活動 d more than one gun shot, only private civilian (Like Chinese said "Lie.Swall.10.Fail.Jer. Ben.10.10 Fail.Ren", therefore, the Court must investigate the credibility of any offense first before grant the offense any public ears 婚禮顧問and eyes. For instance, "Jone.Nun" was killed, US government must have no right to prosecute anyone, "Jonn.Nun" wife "Chwee.Rong.Zhi" wants to seek the Court ears and eyes, she has to prove her credibility more than anyone accused by her fir 保濕面膜st before she can deserve the Court to give her any ears and eyes. She has to prove her marriage is a honest marriage of love or real sex desire, she cannot prove her marriage honestly, she must not have right to wear that spouse title to be that 室內設計accuser.) can have right to be the offense, government must have no right to prosecute any private civilian, no matter how cruelty that killing may look like. Dead body does not talk, cruelty must leave to the Ghost site to deal. You say anyone else "Curs 室內裝潢e.Lyan. Curse.Shower" can tell you must be more "Curse.Lyan.Curse.Shower" than those sucked by you, just like that sucking rich and famous "7.Sun" "Gwall.Jean.Sheng" daughter "Gwall.Yue.Sin" looked down and spill "5.Food.5.Moon. 5. Jaw.Young" on that parentless woman; you 開幕活動sucking "Gwall.Yue.Sin" "Yo.Food.Yo.Moon" can spilled out that shameless cold cold hard clause can tell your sucking "Yo.Food.Yo.Moon" far worse than that "5.Food.5.Moon.5.Jaw.Young" parentless homeless poor woman.You born by your sucking parents sex of lie (You sucking media workers fa 禮服iled to do your duty to show your pen power to guard those private 幫派 must deserved democratic civil right , you dare shameless show your sucking oral XXCK crime, you must deserve to be killed rather sooner than later.) , you must have to face your deadly end, your only option is to rely on 591kill and be killed to help you avoid that deadly end, you cannot have the honest eyes to see your own sucking fate, you must be more "Curse.Lyan.Curse.Shower" than any kill and be killed.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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