          爸媽囧很大 20110517 送爸媽進養老院! 這樣的孩子不孝嗎?! 爸媽囧很大-20110517-送爸媽進養老院!-這樣的孩子不孝嗎?!/Answer: 不孝! And "不.Ren.Dow"! ---------- 面膜---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 室內設計--- Part 1 At 05:17/12:57 "Tar.Yo.1.Lyao.Twine.Dway" That how you must not ever contact or be contacted with those so calle 西裝外套d "養老院", because if you do, you and all your family tie must be murdered by that so called "1.Lyao.Twine.Dway" sooner or later, then replaced by 租房子American werewolves slaved controlled white trash to play all those phony role and take over whatever left behind by you, then tool those phony role to murder more, until 土地買賣your entire society slaved controlled by American werewolves slaved controlled white trash. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 買房子------------------ Part 1 At 06:17/12:57 "Wall.Joe.8.88.6.Jeye.Not.Ben" Her dad already be murdered and replaced by American werewolves slaved controlled phony during that break. ---------------------------------- 房屋出租------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 At 10:14/12:57 "Wall.Yao.Chwon.Hence.Dwall.Chain.Young.Tar" That how you must not ever 送爸媽進養老院! Because if you do, you can only encou G2000rage more evil doer to make more sick weak wicked "老.Boot.4" thief and build more 養老院 to force every son and daughter to be slaved controlled by 養老院!The right way to deal with "老.Boot.4" is to leave him/her/them alone, and kill any "老.Boot.4" soci 西服al animal. "老.Boot.4" cannot be good enough to stay by self to take advantage of that last golden time "Show.Sheng.Young.Sin", must be killed immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋出租  .

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